Shaker Band Boosters

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Shaker Band Boosters shall be to support and enhance the Shaker Heights band programs

by coordinating and facilitating events,

contributing financially for special activities and equipment,

communicating with band families and

organizing volunteers to assist with diverse events throughout the year.


Become a Band Boosters Patron!

Make a tax deductible donation to Shaker Band Boosters by downloading the Patron Form

There are many ways to contribute, including Venmo and Cash App QR codes

Our goal is to raise $10,000 every year

so that every student can afford to attend an international band trip


Come to a Band Boosters Meeting

2023-24 Band Boosters President: Ann Malone

All meetings are held bi-monthly from August through May at 7 pm in the High School band room. All band parents are welcome to attend the meetings. Please park in the South Gym parking lot and enter the propped open door and go up the stairs to the Band room. We hope to see you there!


Want to Help by Volunteering?

Email us at

There are many opportunities throughout marching season and the entire school year to support our directors and musicians!

What do the Shaker Band Boosters do? 

  • We make annual grants to the Woodbury, Middle School and High School band programs

  • We maintain and oversee the distribution of the High School band uniforms

  • We chaperone the marching band at away football games

  • We support this band website

  • We promote band spirit through selling band merchandise

  • We recognize graduating band seniors with a reception and gifts

  • We provide volunteers for various band events throughout the year

  • We provide pizza, treats and snacks to band events

  • We provide financial support for band members to travel abroad